Efforts to Help Children at Risk in Australia

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Child abuse and neglect constitute an array of multi-prong factors that put children at risk of long term deficits such as incarcerations, economic dependency, school failure and even death. Young people, children and babies experience detrimental upshots in their cognitive, physical, emotional, behavioural and social development (Moore, 2006). The prevalence of child abuse and neglect in Australia was estimated at 29% of all risks substantiations in the year 2009 (Statistics, 2014). The children at risk discourse in Australia, just like other countries were brought into the lime light by Kempe (1962) when he published American Medical Association. In the light of this publication, there have been professional concerns and legislative reforms that have followed (Kempe, 1962). One of the major yardsticks that have been put in place to address child abuse and neglect is the United Nations Declaration of rights of children that segregate children as a special group that ascribe to certain rights that are separate from those of adults (Australian Government Department of Social Studies, 2014) The government has put in place substantial policies to ensure that children are not subjected to any form of abuse and neglect. Some of the policies that the government of Australia have put in place to address the issues of child neglect and abuse include the Children Youth and Families 2005 Act that allows the professionals and other interested party to report and refer to appropriate agency, and the child protection report that is under section 184 (Victorian Current Acts, 2014). In addition to the policies, the government has created several avenues to support families that have high risk in of exposing children to neglect and abuse ... ... middle of paper ... ...iefings/emotionalabuse_wda48215.html Salus, & DePanfilis. (2003). A Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect: A Basic Manual. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from http://www.pantucek.com/cps/basic.pdf Sanderson, C. (2006). Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Statistics, C. A. (2014). National Child Abuse Statistics | Childhelp. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from http://www.childhelp.org/pages/statistics TeensHealth. (2014). Abuse. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/families/family_abuse.html Victorian Current Acts. (2014). CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES ACT 2005. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/cyafa2005252/ Victorian Gvernment. (2006). Vulnerable babies, children and young people at risk of harm. Victoria: Victorian Government.

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