Effects of the Atomic Bomb

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Effects of the Atomic Bomb

There were many effects of the atomic bomb. There were Social,

Economic, Military, and Political effects.

When the bomb exploded at 08:16:02there was a short bright flash of

light accompanied by a heat wave lasting only 1/10th ofa second. At

ground zero people ceased to exist within a certain distance peoples

eye balls melted. When the blast happened it sent off two shockwaves

one headed towards the earth and the other shot up into the air

sending the Enola gay into major turbulence. Also the blast-waves went

across the land as well taking out anything in its way, it covered 2

miles per second the blast destroyed the whole of Hiroshimait took out

70,000 of the 76.000 buildings that were once standing to form a city.

After the blast all supplies were cut off including gas, water,

electricity these all were a danger to the surviving people that

survived the blast in hiding or out of the city. Also the danger was

not over yet. A firestorm emerged killing or injuring 90% of all

medics. Although these were just some short term effects the bomb

cased long term effects like radiation sickness (atomic plague) this

causes loss of hair, bleeding, it can also cause cancer and leukaemia

in the future apart from radiation sickness people suffered severe

burn that still need treatment to this day. In 1945 Hiroshimasuffered

140,000 deaths by 1950 they suffered 200,000 deaths and in Nagasakithey

suffered 70,000 in 1945 and by 1950 they suffered a

Major 140,000 deaths. These effects are still felt decades later.

When the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshimaand Nagasaki they

caused economic problems. There were ...

... middle of paper ...

...thheld information about the

atom bomb being built and dropped. The 2 countries had been allies,

The USA felt more confident in its negotiations with the USSR over the

future of Europe Emperor HiroHito survived and HiroHito survived and

Japanthen became democratic but then the bomb was also one of the

factors that led to the "Cold War" between the USA and the USSR. This

was a long period of tension in the world between capitalists - USAand

the communists - USSR.

I think the most important effects are military and political because

the military created the nuclear arms race leading to a close call

from a nuclear war over the Cuban missile crisis. Also political

effects were important because they caused a conflict between USSR and

USA which was the cold war. After the war there was no trust between


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