Effects of Strategic Alliances

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Introduction The researcher will provide a description of each company, the strategic alliance, and the economic benefit of the strategic alliance of each company. In addition, the researcher will identify three issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for each company. Furthermore, the researcher will analyze each companies CSR issue and describe the impact on stakeholders. Finally, the researcher will describe ways in which the companies can be socially responsible. Effects of Strategic Alliances Multinational Corporation Secom Co., Ltd is a Japanese corporation in Tokyo, Japan. The company has 339 subsidiaries in 10 primarily in Asian countries. Secom designs and develops security systems and services for business and residential use. In addition, the company provides medical services-related information, management support services, and in-home care service. In 1996, Secom purchased Nohmi to form a manufacturing joint venture in Shanghai, China. Both companies formed a vertical system that manufactures, sells, installs, and monitors security systems and networks for domestic commercial and industrial customers. Secom customer base mostly consist of financial institutions, banks, securities companies, and other businesses (Krueger & Ding, 2009). Economic Benefit The economic benefit for each company was to enhance skills sets, work experience, and values acquired by their workers. Additionally, the economic benefit of the joint venture provided employment opportunities, good working conditions, high-tech products and services, and competitive levels of compensation (Krueger & Ding, 2009). Corporate Social Responsibility Issue Krueger and Ding (2009), identifies cultural gaps between Japanese managers and... ... middle of paper ... ...ry and corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 90, 199-244. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/365531219?accountid=34899. Frederiksen, C. (2010). The relation Between policies Concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Philosophical Moral Theories - An Empirical Investigation Journal of Business Ethics, 93(3), 357-371. dio: 10.1007/s10551-009-0226-6 Krueger, D. & Ding, B. (2009). Ethical analysis and challenges of two international firms in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 89, 167-182. Retrieved from http://search.proquest. com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/198043409?accountid=34899 Philip, G. (2007). The offshore imperative: Shell oil’s search for petroleum in postwar America. The Journal of American History, 94(3), 984. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com. libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/224902051?accountid=34899

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