Effects of Juveniles Prosecuted as an Adult

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According to Street Law, a juvenile is any person who is not yet an adult. In most states and the District of Columbia, individuals under 18 years of age are considered juveniles. The District of Columbia along with most states in the United States view any person under the age of 18 that has committed a crime as a juvenile criminal. Acts of a juvenile crime include but are not limited to: truancy, smoking, drinking, theft, rape, murder, defiance towards parents or guardian, etc. A juvenile criminal can only be held in a juvenile institution until the age of 21, no matter how gruesome their offense may have been.
An illegal act that is committed by an adult, which is any person over the age of eighteen, is considered a crime. Acts such as disobedience, truancy, running away from home, smoking, and drinking are not considered as crimes for adults. Adult criminals receive public trials unlike delinquents or juvenile criminals. Adult criminals may receive sentencing such as life in prison or death, if suitable depending upon the nature of crime committed. Documented criminal acts committed by adults are often permanent, public records unlike the documented criminal acts committed by juveniles. Juvenile records are sometimes sealed for public records or dismissed.
The theory that juveniles are not mature enough to intentionally commit a crime has been around since the development of psychology as a science. In the 18th century, the authors of the English criminal code concluded that children, younger than seven had not acquired the mental ability to commit a crime such as murder, rape, burglary, etc. These experts used the following acts to determine if a crime committed was criminal or non-criminal: (1) The commission of the crime i...

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Michael P. Brown, “Juvenile Offenders; Should They Be Tried in Adult Courts?,” USA Today
Magazine, January 1998, p.52.
Mosi Secret, “States Prosecute Fewer Teenagers in Adult Courts, New York Times, March 6,
National Institute of Mental Health, “The Architecture of the Brain.” www.nimh.gov.
PBS.Com, Inside the Teenage Brain. www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/teenbrain.
Steven J. Berkowitz, “Child Prisoners: An Offemse to Human Rights and Medical Ethnics,”
Conneticut Juvenile Justice Alliance, January 2010. www.raisethagect.org.
Thomas J. Benard and Megan C. Kurlychek, The cycle of Juvenile Justice. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
William J. Chambliss, ed., Juvenile Crime and Justice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011.

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