Water Cycle Essay

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The water cycle also gets affected from human interaction with the environment. When we urbanized places we affect the ground water, which in turn affects the water cycle. Urbanizing areas and putting companies and gas station’s that produce waste is not good for the water cycle. The pollutants from these places seep into the ground and pollute the groundwater and make it harder for that water to come back to the surface clean. It takes years for this to naturally occur and when we interact with it like that it takes even longer and affects the cleanliness. The water cycle is constant and happens naturally without our involvement. So when we make it harder for the water cycle do keep itself running it is detrimental to the whole world.
We use the environments recourses and convert them into energy. Some are renewable like wind power and hydropower while others are not like fossil fuels. Intention or …show more content…

We burn fossil fuels, we use aerosol cans, etc. Those create greenhouse gasses and get stuck in the atmosphere and can promote climate change and global warming which is bad all over. When there are too many greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere the sun’s rays cannot as easily bounce off of the earth and back into to space, but instead get trapped and heat the earth 's crust making the average ground temp higher which is essentially global warming. Global warming affects the whole world. Ice melts and raises the water level covering areas of land where people and animals live. It also raises the temperature in general which is not good for human or living things health. When climate changes, things get out of balance. It is not easy to reverse ozone depletion at the rate we have been going. We only get one ozone layer and if we put too many holes in it without giving it time to heal itself it will be bad for future generations. Climate change is also a problem. It changes the pattern of weather which is confusing for the environments

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