Effect of Concentration on the Times of a Reaction

540 Words2 Pages

Effect of Concentration on the Times of a Reaction

I am going to do an experiment which will be trying to digest starch

using different concentrations of amylase starting from 1% up to 5%

doing the experiment for each and recording the results.

Input variables in this investigation I could study are the following:

· The temperature that the experiment is done at.

· The different volumes of the Amylase and Starch.

· The concentrations of the Amylase and Starch.

The input variable I have chosen is the different concentrations of

the Amylase and Starch.

What I think will happen is that as the concentrations increase so

will the rate of the reaction.

I think this will happen because of the collision theory this states

that as the concentration increases the particles become closer

together so therefore as the particles vibrate they will have greater

chance of collision. This will lead to the rate of reaction increasing

because there will be more successful collisions which will lead to


The input variable I am going to change is the concentration of the

Amylase. The variables I must keep the same are: -

· The temperature that the experiment is done at.

· The different volumes of the Amylase and Starch.

The output variable I am going to measure is the time, which it takes

for the reaction to occur to a certain point.




2 test tubes, 2 peppiest, safety mat, test tube rack, testing tray,

spotting tiles, stop clock, thermometer.

I am going to repeat the experiment 5 times each time changing the

concentration of the amylase from 1-5.

Safety precautions that should be taken with this experiment are to

wear goggles and to wash your hands afterwards.

Concentration of amylase

Time 1(seconds)

Time 2(seconds)

Average Time(seconds)











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