Education Research Proposal: Tutoring Plan for Students Requiring Supplemental Educational Services

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Public schools who have not made adequate yearly progress (AYP) by increasing student academic achievement are required under No Child Left Behind (NCLB), to offer those students in low-income families the opportunity to receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES). This research proposal will explore different types of tutoring models and offer an approach to help close the gap in the learning process of these students. Using a rigorous tutoring plan and implementing the plan early in the school year will give these students a head start in their academic journey. Assessment with a pre-test and post-test will be required to assess whether the students have mastered all the objectives taught during the tutoring sessions. Monthly assessments will also provide a guide for the teacher to help with planning and re-teaching as necessary. With all these tools in place teachers will be able to ask themselves to what extent will tutoring affect the academic performance of failing or academically challenged students?


No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation has mandated that children performing below grade level have access to Supplemental Educational Services (SES). This form of SES can be in-school, after-school, and private tutoring provided, mandated requirements of legislation are met. The practices of SES or tutoring should be aligned with states’ academic content standards and all federal, state and local health, safety and civil rights laws and should be based on high quality research evidence of their effectiveness in increasing student academic achievement. As a result of this legislation and corrective action the NCLB describes a school that does not meet its adequate yearly progre...

... middle of paper ... covered, dismissing students who show great improvement and adding students when one is dismissed.

Support and Collaboration

There are many references you as a teacher can use to support your new tutoring program. NCLB calls for the program to have rigor and be aligned with the states standards for the subject you are tutoring. To what extent your tutoring program will increase the academic achievement of your failing and under achieving student’s remains to be tested, observed and studied for its effectiveness. Using the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website is a great place to begin. Another valuable internet search for mathematics is the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). These websites have information available for you to use in the classroom. There are many sources that are free for you to use just check you schools library.

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