Reflection About Education

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Education is becoming the main starting ground to a better life. It is met to help shape someone’s life to become the best person they are meant to be. When they are not educated, it is harder for them to get even a basic job because even the most basic jobs are requiring a diploma. Education is known are “the process by which children and youth develop knowledge, skills, ability and character especially through formal instruction, training and study” (Schultz, 1998). Education first started when God created man. When God created man, he created us all with the ability to know and to reason. This shows that we are all given the “same” propose in life. It may not be entirely the same as maybe someone that you may come in contact once in your …show more content…

Without education a person would not know how to talk, write, read, or have the basic skills needed to live out a day. The world that God created would not be the same if no one got the basic learning skills that they learn in elementary school. In school, you are learning some and if not all the ways to be successful in life. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13 English Standard Version). With God by our sides, anything is possible. Because Jesus came and died on a cross for the lives we all live, we can conclude that one of the reasons was so we can be educated.
Being here in the United States, we are gifted to have a free education system. In other parts of the world, they have to pay to be in school. This is supposed to help North America look good to other countries, but it doesn’t.
I did not grow up in Christian household, but I do know the value of Christ in my life. It is crazy to see that God is being taken out of the classrooms because I know the impact in such a short amount of time he has given me. I am able to focus better and fully understand that everything is in his hands. “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1 New International Verison). He gave up his life us to live yours, if this is not enough to change someone’s life …show more content…

In my classroom, I have to understand that the way I approach Jimmy may not be the way James needs to be approached. Every students learning style can be different and understanding that is how to become the best teacher I can be. Just because Jimmy and James may learn differently does not mean that they should be treated any different than anyone else in the class. In my class, the students will learn to respect everyone and if they cannot do that then they need to come and talk to me. The school is a place of learning and everything else needs to be set aside as we are there to work on their futures to become the best people they can

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