Economies in Transition

4644 Words10 Pages

Economies in Transition

Developing and comparing of two economic profiles: Poland/Hungary (for

the 1990s)


This paper will describe and evaluate the problems of economy in

transition in countries of Eastern Europe, namely Poland, Hungary, all

of which are attempting to make the transition under a democratic form

of government.

The last 15-20 years have witnessed very unusual events in the former

communist societies. After USSR went to pieces, communist's principles

of planned economy have been widely rejected and replaced by

willingness to admit democratic principles and market economy.

There are several reasons why the task of designing this transition is

interesting, especially to economists.

First, the problem is new: no country prior to 1989 had ever rejected

the communist political and economic system.

Second, the experience until now indicates that countries attempting

transition face a number of common problems and difficulties. While

there are important differences in the inherited situations and the

choices made by governments of these countries, the common things in

the problems they face and the difficulties they are encountering

suggest that it could be a good way to learn about the transition

process and development of future transition scenarios.

Finally, the problems these countries face are not waiting for

analyst`s solutions, decisions currently being made may lead to an

evolution with unchangeable results.

1. Meaning of Market Economy

"An economy that allocates resources through the decentralized

decisions of many firms and households as they interact in market for

goods and services and where government has to some extent been

involved in regulating and guiding, has been referred to as ´Market

Economy´ (Mankiw, Principles of economics,3rd.ed.2004)

Despite the events of government intervention, people in particular

country have always been able to choose for whom they will work and

what they will buy.

Now three groups make decisions on daily basis: consumers, producers

and government and it is their interaction that makes the economy to


Consumers look for the best values for what they spend while producers

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