Eating Meat Research Paper

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If your not a vegetarian then most of us enjoy a nice piece of steak or a burger but do many of us understand the impact that eating meat as part of our diet does to the environment. I have seen more and more news articles regarding this topic of the global livestock farming industry and the contribution to global warming. As disposable incomes increase across and the globe and intensive farming reduces the costs the environmental impact of eating meat by more and more people will leads to increased problems. The disposable incomes of the 2.5 billion Chinese and Indians are increasing year on year and they turn towards more meat than veg as incomes rise as they can afford this once thought of luxury.

Commentators have said that the impact of eating meat is greater than the impact of cars, airplanes and all other modes of transport combined. The owner of Ryan Air has been on TV to play down the effects of the airline industry when …show more content…

If we did this we would be richer as meat costs less, help the environment plus help the veggie industry as well. People are always saying that too much meat is bad for you but my granddad eats it all the time and is still going strong! You also need to consider the conditions in which these animals are farmed especially intensive farming which is known to be cruel as opposed to welfare farming by the more expensive brands.

If livestock farming produces so much of the greenhouse emissions why is there no big outcry and campaign to reduce the killing of animals and eating meat? Is it because people are not willing to give up eating meat but having a go at the transport industry is much easier to do? The Amazon rainforest us being depleted and large parts of South America is now used for livestock grazing to feed consumers in the

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