Eating Disorders And Its Effects On Young People

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Eating disorders are one of the undisclosed issue that affect numerous households worldwide. Many Americans are affected by this illness and the majority are adolescent girls. While most U.S. girls have been on a diet at some point, slightly less than 1% develop anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that contains the persistent pursuit of thinness through starvation. While anorexics control their weight by limiting food intake, most bulimics cannot. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge pattern. A bulimic goes on an eating binge and purges by self-inducing vomiting or using laxative. Eating disorders are mental illnesses that affect young people especially young girls. In this research I wanted to know, “What are the causes of eating disorders?”. Although low confidence and concerns about weight and body image play big roles, there are many contributing causes to eating disorders. Teenagers that suffer eating disorders such as anemia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have trouble handling their emotions in a healthy way which can lead to harmful medical conditions. Women are constantly proposed with the idea that being thin is beautiful. The endless reminders about having the perfect body is rooted from the moment that we are given Barbie dolls as children. Growing up, these dolls represented a constant reminder of the ideal figure and appearance. According to Borzekowski, and Bayer (2005), In a recent U.S. study, almost half of the surveyed women had negative evaluations of their own overall appearance and were unsatisfied with their weight and lower and mid-torso. This trend is particularly marked for female adolescents, a population which is considered ... ... middle of paper ... ...d one’s eating pattern for a family member or a friend can be completely unaware of their loved one’s struggle with this illness. People that suffer from eating disorders are not entirely responsible for their behavior. This disorder is brought on by a wide complex collaboration of society, biological and emotional aspects that cause mental and physical damaging effects. Eating disorders are serious problems. If left untreated, their behaviors’ outcome are severe medical problems which may be life threatening. While there is no single cause of eating disorders, one factor that can make a positive impact on preventing this problem on teenage girls is to constantly encourage and help them be secure enough about themselves and let them know that they are beautiful enough no matter what others may say. Having a good support system will lead them to making good decisions.

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