Eating Disorders Analysis

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Eating Disorders, which are comprised of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders are very serious disorders that are on the rise in the United States. Currently, eating disorders occur in 1-5% (Hudson, Hiripi, Pope, and Kessler, 2007). However, this number may be even larger since a large chunk of eating disorders go unnoticed, unreported, or untreated. While eating disorders are most common in women, they also have the possibility to affect men. The first article under review is “Suicide Attempts in Women With Eating Disorders”, which was conducted by Pisetsky, Thornton, Lichtenstein, and Pendersen (2013). The second article under review is “Does Depressed Mood Moderate the Influence of Drive for Thinness and Muscularity on Eating Disorder Symptoms Among College Men”, which was conducted by Grossbard, Atkins, Geisner, and Larimer (2012). The third article under review is “Variants of Potentially Traumatizing Life Events in Eating Disorder Patients”, which was conducted by Lejonclou, Nilsson, and Holmqvist. Pisetsky et al. (2013) conducted a study involving Swedish female twins who were born between 1959 and 1985. They were assessed using the Swedish Twins study of Adults: Genes and Environment. This registry in Sweden consists of 13,035 individuals. In order to get data on the individuals, the researchers utilized web-based questionnaires and phone interviews. For these tools, the response rate was 59.6% or 7,786 participants. In these questionnaires and interviews, the researchers were attempting to get data on demographic information, medical history, presence of psychiatric disorders, and personality variables. The individuals who responded to the survey were between the ages of 20 and 47. Since this i... ... middle of paper ... ...0 in the third section. Sections one and two were supposed to be answered in terms of the number of times the event had occurred. For example, if the event had never occurred they were expected to answer zero, if the event had happened between one and five times then they were expected to answer one, if it occurred six to 10 times then they were expected to answer three, if it occurred more than 10 times they were expected to answer four, and if it occurred more than 100 times they were expected to answer four. The participants were also required to fill out the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, which uses a seven-point scale to see how often eating disorder habits were present in the 28 days leading up to the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of four sections, which were restraint, eating concern, shape concern, and weight concern. The researchers

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