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If we have to examine the educational status of respondents; bachelor degree is in first place with %42, master's degree followed with 28%, high school with 27% and lastly phd cames with 3%. The figure of educational status analysis is below.

Figure 8: Results of Educational Status Analysis for Coca Cola
Most of the participants are between the ages of 24-29 with %57. It is followed by 18-23 age range with %28. The figures for other age ranges can also be seen in the figure below.

Figure 9: Results of Age Analysis for Coca Cola

2) Analysis of Brand Awareness for Coca Cola
After the first four basic knowledge questions on the survey participants were asked a question to evaluate the brand awareness of respondents. As seen in the figure, more than 90% of respondents chose the answer of ‘‘I know’’ or ‘‘I know extremely well’’.

Figure 10: Results of Brand Awareness Analysis for Coca Cola

3) Reliability Analysis on Sensory Branding
We used five different variables for the reliability analysis of sensory branding. In order to measure the levels of the brand's sensory branding we’re asked five different questions. As mentioned in the previous sections, sensory branding is based on the five senses. The following two figures are relevant to the topic.

Figure 11: Results of Reliability Analysis of Sensory Branding for Coca Cola

When we analyzed the figure 12 we see that; the exprassion of ‘‘Coca Cola brand has a distinctive qualities with its taste’’ is in the first place with 4.05. On the other hand, the exprassion of ‘‘Coca Cola brand has a distinctive qualities with its smell’’ have the lowest avarage with 3.35. Loo...

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...has a statistically significant effect on brand loyalty for the brand of Coca Cola.

b) Testing Hypothesis for the Brand of Starbucks
H1: Sensory branding has a statistically significant effect on brand loyalty.
When we look the data of sensory branding part of Starbucks we see that most of the values or over 3. The most remarkable point is that the values of the five senses is very close together. When we calculated the avarege of values we can say that results of Starbucks in positive way with 3,66.
The values of brand loyaly part is also quite high like sensory branding. The avarage of brand loyalty for Starbucks is 3,38 and it is in positive way.
Accordingly to this informations, the H1 hypothesis has been recognized for the sample of Starbucks. Sensory branding has a statistically significant effect on brand loyalty for the brand of Starbucks.


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