Fahrenheit 451 Comparison Essay

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A Dystopia is a society where something is flipped from our normal society, making everything else different and worse than we can imagine. Harrison Bergeron is a good example of a dystopia because it changes one thing that makes that society worse than ours. In the society of Fahrenheit 451, reading books is illegal. This changes how people retain knowledge and see the past that their society was once in. In our society books are not illegal to read. You can retain information from books and know the history of how our society came to be. This book is titled Fahrenheit 451, and is written by Ray Bradbury. The protagonist in this story is Montag. He is a fireman that burns the books that people can’t read, then he suddenly goes through a change This novel shows the journey of Montag as he begins to wonder and think about his society, then he begins to realize the importance of books. In the Dystopian society of Fahrenheit 451 and in modern day society, today, there are many similarities and differences including the women and the firemen. The women in the Dystopian society of Fahrenheit 451 stood out to me as I read the novel. The women in the Dystopian society are very different from the women in my modern day society. The way that the women differ is in the parenting. In my society, mothers (women) would love to play with their children and spend time with them, most of the time. However, in Part 2 of the novel Fahrenheit 451, Mrs. Bowles says, “You heave them into the ‘parlor’ and The firemen in the Dystopian society and the firemen in our society differ greatly. The difference is within what the firemen do. In my society the firemen are responsible putting out the fires that other people have started. While in Fahrenheit 451 Montag reads, “RULE 1. Answer the alarm quickly. 2. Start the fire swiftly. 3. Burn everything. 4. Report back to the firehouse immediately. 5. Stand alert for other Alarms” (32). This quote tells you that in the Dystopian society’s rule book it says to start fires. In our society our rule book would consist of driving to the burning place, spraying water on the building, rescuing survivors, and reporting back to the fire station. Even though the firemen both societies are different they are also similar. This is because they both help their society. The firemen in Fahrenheit 451 help their society by burning the illegal books, the firemen in my society help by putting out the fires so they can cause less damage. Another way that the firemen differ is the liquid used in their job. In our society the firemen use water to put out the fires. However in Part 1 one of Fahrenheit 451 the firemen shout, “Kerosene!”(35). When our firemen are in action they would never use kerosene or any flammable fluid to stop a fire. In the Dystopian society they have to start fires so they use

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