Dyslexia in Pediatrics

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Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading, writing, spelling, and sometimes speaking in children. Dyslexia is known as one of the common disabilities in children. Dyslexia can be mild or severe, every child diagnosed with dyslexia is different in some ways. Treatment for dyslexia should be introduced as early as possible for best results, however, it is never too late for improvement. (Bucciarell & Rais, 2008)

Dyslexia can be inherited through a person’s family or it can be caused by the way the brain has developed during pregnancy and early childhood. The only risk factor known of developing dyslexia is if someone in the family has been diagnosed, as it can be genetic. (Bucciarell & Rais, 2008)

Symptoms of dyslexia include: difficulty learning to speak, difficulty reading and writing at grade level appropriate for age, difficulty organizing written and spoken language, difficulty learning letters and their sounds, difficulty learning number facts, spelling difficulties, difficulty with learning a foreign language, and problems with doing math problems correctly. (Bucciarell & Rais, 2008)

To diagnose dyslexia a physician will examine the child and ask for a history of symptoms related to dyslexia and a complete medical history. The physician will determine if the child is dyslexic and if so will refer the child to a learning specialist or child psychologist for further testing. The tests the child may be asked to complete by the specialist include: Cognitive processing tests that measure thinking ability, IQ test that will measure the child’s intellectual functioning, and Tests to measure speaking, reading, spelling, and writing abilities. (Bucciarell & Rais, 2008)

After a diagnosis of dyslexia is confir...

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