Druigs And Sports

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When athletes use drugs

In many schools athletes are required to sign a contract in order to play

sports. The contracts include of many rules and regulations that prohibit

activities that will jeopardize the athlete's performance. The use of drugs

and alcohol are strictly forbidden. Vandalism and other actions that would

result in any type of illegal happenings is also banned. The main problem with the

contracts is that the students don't always obey them. Many athletes will

still go out and party and drink and smoke and get into other activities

that will harm their minds and bodies.

"Stimulants" are drugs that stimulate the central nervous

system and produce an increase in alertness and activity. They include

caffeine, cocaine, and the amphetamines. The amphetamines are composed of

three closely related drugs that stimulate the central nervous system and

promote a feeling of alertness and an increase in speech and general

physical activity. Some people take these drugs under medical supervision to

control their appetite, but many of these drugs are used at parties to "get

high." Overuse and abuse have been associated with all of the stimulant

drugs, but risks are the greatest with the amphetamines and cocaine.

Narcotics are drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep.

Narcotics include opium and drugs derived from opium, such as

morphine, codeine, and heroin. Narcotics also include certain synthetic

chemicals that have a morphine-like action, such as methadone. Most of these

drugs will leave a lasting effect for more then one day. Like a hangover

from alcohol, these drugs will make you extremely tired or even sick the

next day. Drugs are prohibited by athletic departments because they alter

your performance. If an athlete uses one of these drugs they can have

lasting effect on them sometime during a game or at practice. All drugs are

illegal, and by athletes using them they set a bad example. Many younger

students look up to the "star" athletes in a school and if they use drugs

that is not a good impression to make.

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