Drug Coverage Expansion In Canada

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Canada lacks a medical drug coverage program, causing drug costs to be paid by the patients themselves from their own pockets, or a mix of private and publicly funded drug plans. However, those who have insurance may even possibly face difficulties affording medications because most insurance plans require payments from patients, resulting as a barrier to access needed drugs. While provincial governments cover most drug cost for seniors and those receiving social assistance, the provincial government fails to provide drug coverage for individuals that don’t have the same benefits, which can result in high rates of not having the urge and failure to fill their prescription drugs. Patient paying for their own prescription drugs is an important issue, that may result in a negative impact on treatment access for patients. It's clear, medical drugs today can play a huge role in providing cures for diseases, and help manage chronic health conditions for many people, and without better drug coverage systems, Canadians do not have a universal health coverage. The focus of this research paper will look into the barriers caused by Canada’s lack of prescription drug coverage such as, finical hardship for individuals who don’t have coverage on their medical drugs. The paper will also look at scholarly journals and studies to relate to the benefits that will result in the provincial government paying less towards health care, if the provincial government would to include prescription drug coverage in Canada’s Health care act. Overall the extension of the Health care act on medical drugs will both benefit the provincial government and Citizens in Canada. The Canadian health care coverage system is made up of thirteen independent health... ... middle of paper ... ...bly help the poor versus rich inequality in physician tools. It’s clear that drug coverage inclusion in our health care act is a multifaceted topic. There are multiple views and arguments on why we should not include it in our health care system. However, throughout this paper I outline many reasons for the benefits towards the expansion of the health care act towards medical drugs that should push the Provincial government to take a stand on the Pharmacare policy table. There are multiple barriers, however in order to overcome these barriers and try to understand that if we were to attain a greater fantail stably and better quality of life for numerous individuals requiring medication, but can’t access it, will lead to both the population being healthier and result in the Provincial Government in Canada to save their budget on health care by thousands of dollars.

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