Drones Research Paper

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We Must Take Action Against Drones Now There is currently an immense controversy going on, it is questioning the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or also known as drones, by the United States in warfare and also its effectiveness on the long run. UAVs or drones, are aircrafts without a human pilot on board that are controlled either by computers in the vehicle or under the remote control of a person. The reason behind the controversy is the fact that one third of the casualties resulting from drone attacks are innocent civilians. Evidence shows that the benefits of the United States’ use of drone attacks in warfare do not outweigh the costs. Although drones may seem like something new they have actually been around for quite a while now. According to an article from the CQ press the first record of a pilotless biplane dates back to 1918. They were invented near the end of World War I, this first version of UAVs was called the Kettering Bug, but the war ended before it could be used in combat. The next version of a UAV wasn’t until 1940 when, a Hollywood actor who was also a British pilot, Reginald Denny marketed “Radio Planes” to the Army. This was the world’s first mass produced pilotless plane in history. Following this surge of the use of unmanned planes there was many attempts of making them better but due to their low success rate and high costs many of the projects were abandoned. It wasn’t until the 1980’s that there was a resurgence of interest in unmanned aircraft. According to Billiterri in his article, “Drone Warfare” the resurgence of this interest was due to the success of a drone called the Pioneer, which was powered by a 26-horsepower snowmobile engine. After its use in the 1982 war in Lebanon by the Israeli ... ... middle of paper ... ... we're committing international war crimes every day, because we're not at war with Pakistan. Let's be honest about it. The reason the CIA is being so secretive about it is they know what they're doing is illegal, despite the pretext otherwise.” What should be done is there needs to be a revised, logical drone strike policy that addresses under what circumstances can the military be cleared to launch a drone strike and they need to make sure that there are no civilians being put in harm’s way. To reiterate, although there are some benefits to the use of drones by the military in warfare they do not outweigh the costs. The costs being: the ridiculously large amount of money being spent on the drones, the loss of civilian lives, and the result of creating more enemies. The solution to this controversy is placing a stricter drone policy that addresses these problems.

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