Dress Codes and Uniforms are not needed in the Schools

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Are dress codes and uniforms needed or not? Some parents, teachers, and school boards think that by telling kids what to wear will improve behavior, safety, and will make them into better adults ready for the work life. Some even say it makes bullying less of a problem. What makes people think by telling kids what to wear will make any type of improvement? Dress codes and uniforms are not needed in the school systems because it is against the First Amendment, does not stop bullying, and takes away some qualities employers look for in the people they hire. Dress codes and uniforms go against the Frist Amendment and take away students constitutional rights. During the Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District case the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that “students do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression at the school house gates.” (Kelly). By the Court saying this means that students do have their constitutional rights at school; dress codes and uniforms take that away for them. The U.S Supreme Court also made it clear that schools cannot just ban a student’s expression because they do not like, or see it as a possible threat. The school must have evidence to support their theories of the students expression would harm others around them or cause conflict among the students (Kelly). Some schools do this all the time, because they do not like what a shirt says; they will say it is against the rules and ban it. This clearly says schools are not allowed to do this. Which is why school districts will lose most of their cases against students about dress codes. Most of the students expressions are political and religious speech, with are protected by the constitution (Kelly). Schools are being uncons... ... middle of paper ... ... a real solution. Schools should be working on getting their students ready for after high school, and build on the qualities to help impress employers. More important schools need to treat students like citizens of the United States and give them their constitutional rights to the First Amendment. Schools should stop and treat students like humans, not human size Barbie dolls. Works Cited Jeffords, Shawn. “Uniforms Won’t Stop School Bullies, Experts Say.” The Standard. 14 March 2012. Viewpoints in Context. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. http://www.stacatharinesstandard.ca Kelly, Mike. “School Dress codes Limit Students’ Freedom of Expression.” School Policies. 2008. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 29. Apr. 2014. http://ic.galegroup.com Key, Scott. “Con of School Dress for Success.” FPU News. Fresn.edu, 11 November 2007. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. https://news.fresno.edu.

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