Dress Code Argumentative Essay

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If you were a Superintendent of a school system today what would your dress code be? Some people think that the dress code helps the students focus more while others think that it does not let the students show freedom of expression. A dress code is made to keep students safe and it is to show the students what they are allowed to wear and what they are not allowed to wear. Today, dress code is becoming a big argument between people to further understand you must know the background information, the negative side, and the positive side. To start, dress code is a guideline for what the students should wear. Some believe that the dress code was made to keep the students safe (Student 15/16). Some schools require a strict dress code while others have specific uniforms that each student must wear (“School”). Uniforms are rare in the U.S however, they are very popular in areas such as Africa, Asia, and South America (Buggs). Dress code also prevents bullying. Many conclude that in less wealthy places it doesn’t make the rich stand out and look better than the poor if …show more content…

People argue that students should be able to express themselves and people can do that through clothing. Telling students what they should and should not wear is not letting them express themselves. Most also say that it discourages and teaches kids that being individual is not important (Buggs). Many students say that their dress codes limit their freedom. All citizens have the right to freedom of expression, even in schools. Also, uniforms can be very expensive and parents say that sometimes they think they are wasting too much money. Some kids say that not being able to wear what they want slows down their emotional development (“School”). Parents complain because some schools ban small things like hairstyles (Buggs). People have different opinions and thoughts this is some of the things that people say that are against dress

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