Dred Scott Case

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Slavery first started in America in 1619 in a country built on freedom and was thriving and growing through the country until December of 1865. Dred Scott was born into slavery in the late 1790s. His trial was significant to the country’s history and changed the United States. The Dred Scott Case led to the end of the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise outlawed slavery in the Louisiana Purchase Territory and included Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and the Michigan Territory. The Dred Scott Case also added to the rivalry between the north and south, and paved the road for the Civil War. The United States around the time of the trial was experiencing difficulties and undergoing plenty of changes. For example, the westward expansion which rose serious political problems; the southern states wanted to bring slaves and plantations to new territories, and the northerners wanted free territories. As new areas were admitted to the United States, both sides were afraid that the other side would take the lead in Congress as senators and representatives were added and sway the decision. Dred Scott was born into slavery sometime in the 1790s. The exact date is not known. Since Scott was black and born into slavery, such records were not kept. Dred’s birth would have been noted as the arrival of a new piece of property, such as getting a package in the mail. Scott’s owner was Peter Blow, who owned a successful plantation. In 1819, Blow and his family and slaves moved to Alabama to start a new plantation. Blow began feeling tired of farming and moved in 1830 to St. Louis, Missouri. At the time, St. Louis was a frontier town with... ... middle of paper ... ... case, September 17th or 1858, Scott died of tuberculosis. Scott’s descendants went on to build new lives; Dred Scott Madison became a police officer, and John A. Madison became a lawyer and practiced in the very court that denied Dred Scott his freedom. The trial that Dred Scott tried to gain his freedom and lost in, helped form the road for the Civil War and later freedom for the slaves in America. His trial changed the United States immensely. Works Cited Frost-Knappman, Elizabeth, Edward W. Knappman, and Lisa Olson. Paddock. Courtroom Drama: 120 of the World's Most Notable Trials. Detroit: UXL, 1998. Print. Dershowitz, Alan M. America on Trial: Inside the Legal Battles That Transformed Our Nation. New York: Warner, 2004. Print. Knappman, Edward W., Stephen G. Christianson, and Lisa Olson. Paddock. Great American Trials. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994. Print.

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