Drainage Density and Stream Order in a Drainage Basin

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Drainage Density and Stream Order in a Drainage Basin

Drainage Density represents an approach to the quantitative analysis

of drainage basin. It is the average length of channel per unit area

of the drainage basin. It is calculated as shown below. Drainage

density is a qualitative analysis of the areal properties of a river

basin .

Drainage density is useful as a measure of frequency and spacing of

streams within the drainage basin. It also helps to determine the

texture of dissection of a drainage basin- the extent to which the

landscape is cut into by river valleys and in turn influence slope

development. Generally, there are 4 categories of drainage density and

corresponding texture of dissection.

Very low- less than 8km/km sq coarse

Medium low- 8-20 medium

High density- 20- 200 fine

Very high density- more than 200 ultra fines

Drainage density and texture of dissection varies in response to these


* Permeability of surface- a highly permeable material such as sand

tends to give low drainage density because of high infiltration

capacity and little water is available as surface runoff to

maintain channels.

* Rock type

* Topography

* Vegetation- dense vegetation helps to intercept rainfall, because

of infiltration capacity and prevent overland flow. This will

inhibit channel development and thus the reduction of drainage


* Rainfall amount, intensity and duration

* Human activities

* Time

Stream order refers to stream hierarchy- the way the various stream

channels in drainage fit together. Identification of the link in ...

... middle of paper ...

...d to an

increase in peak flood flows of a river. The below shows the contrast

between storm hydrographs of an area before and after urbanizations. A

flashier storm hydrograph will make the area more prone to flooding.

Chinese experts believe that local deforestation, uncontrolled

building and lack of flood control have led to massive floods that

threaten loves and homes of millions.

Clearing of land for cultivation may cause soil erosion which result

in large quantities of sediments being moved into channels and

floodplains. Mining can also lead to very major change in channel

morphology. As mining often requires the use and deposition of large

quantities of water, thus high amount of waste is moved to rivers.

Both human activities may lead to the aggradations of the channel

bed- the building up of land surface.

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