Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: An American Hero

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Picture a world where people are exiled from others only because of the color of their skin. Picture a world where peaceful protesters will be sent to jail or assaulted by dogs because they are of a different race. Picture a world where equality is not a real thing. This was the world that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. grew up in. The hero we all know today who had a dream and shared it with the world endured many hard things. His struggles made him into the figure of hope that he still is today. Dr. King’s words and actions have affected every American citizen, black or white, by inspiring the Civil Rights Act of 1964, being an example, and teaching others how to become better people.

Martin Luther King Jr. affected all people by spurring the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Before this act, African Americans were denied the power to vote, which they had rightfully gained in the 15th amendment. The states would only allow those who could …show more content…

King’s teachings can help others and myself to become better people in the future. He taught us that we are all brothers and sisters and need to treat each other like that. Dr. King wants us to refrain from judging others and hurting people’s feelings. We can use his ideas to help us improve our relationships with everyone else. The world would be a better place if we all tried to follow these teachings. There would be no more bullying, less fighting, and much more happiness. We need to listen to Dr. King’s ideas and help people to be more excited for life and know that we’ve got their backs.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a faithful man. He clearly loved all of his brothers and sisters. Dr. King had an amazing dream that people all over the world, no matter what race they were, would join hands in singing the songs of freedom. He dreamed that former enemies would come together in a brotherly love. In conclusion, it all comes down to the love you show others that defines your character, and Dr. King had a phenomenal

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