Don't Drink the Tap Water

1598 Words4 Pages

Justice Mullay

Don’t Drink the Tap Water

Everyday, Americans and people all over the world encounter toxic chemicals as a part of daily routine. People wake up, wash hair with shampoo containing parabens, brush teeth with sodium fluoride and triclosan, and use deodorant with aluminum. A quick breakfast is eaten; bagel or toast both containing Azodicarbonamide, a flour bleaching agent also used to make shoes, (Gillam) On the bagel there is cream cheese or butter for the toast with added hormones and antibiotics that were given to the cow whose milk is used. On the daily commute a person generally purchases more gas for their vehicle, while fueling many top off the tank inhaling the fumes of the estimated 150 chemicals refined into crude oil. (Wisconsin Department of Health Services). Later at work or school people sit and their chemically cleaned desk perhaps with Lysol and its benzalkonium chloride, which is deadly to fish and birds and slightly harmful to mammals. (The United States Pharmacopeial Convention) At lunch most meals contain an animal protein still contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls improperly dumped over fifty years ago, (EPA). The produce for lunch may contain some lingering pesticides or fertilizer. In the afternoon the bathroom is used where triclosan from the anti-bacterial soap is lathered on hands. (EPA) At the end of the work day walking outside car exhaust and pollutants from any nearby factory are inhaled. Back at home now dinner is eaten completing the daily average intake of 7 to 9 grams of aluminum. (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) The glass of tap water consumed with the meal contained fluoride and perhaps some heavy metals from the old pipes. Before bed more toothpaste is...

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...B’s are the Great Lakes, Fox River, and Mississippi River. (Clear Water Action Council)
The year 1968 in Kyushu, Japan , around one thousand and three hundred people were diagnosed with a new disease called Yusho due to PCB fluids in a rice bran oil; around 15,000 are predicted to have been affected. The disease started with chloracne which consists of severe blackheads and cysts on the skin. (Umeda)These symptoms progressed to tumors, failing vision, changes in endocrine system, and increased rates of liver cancer and lung cancer. Approximately 50 deaths were caused by this disease. In the next decade the rates of liver and lung cancer increased within the area of Kyushu, Japan nine times the average. From PCB exposure around 400,000 chickens were killed. (Clear Water Action Council)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls have many known adverse effects on humans and animals.

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