Domination of Media

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Domination of Media

America’s history has been greatly impacted by writing in various

manners. Many influential events in America’s history have been

documented through writing. Writing uses muckraking as a technique to

influence political or social reform. Various literary pieces such as

the Declaration of Independence or Uncle’s Tom’s Cabin are prime

examples of how writing can influence a movement, particularly for

independence and the abolition of slavery. These literary pieces not

only enlightened society about inequalities, but united individuals at

the crucial beginnings of a movement. Presently, writing does not play

a vital role in establishing the nation’s identity, but instead serves

as a medium for gossip, entertainment, or complaints. Nowadays, our

nation’s identity is constructed through various media mediums such as

music, television and the internet.

Writing has lost major importance throughout society. Today, tabloids

and “How-to” articles are more prominent than professional journalism.

Even the use of muckraking is altered to describe journalism that

uncovers scandals and gossip rather than writing that leads to reform.

Americans know more about celebrity drama such as the “Brad and Jen

breakup” and the “Kobe Bryant

scandal” than news about the latest political policy or even the

winners of the latest primary. In the past, important events that

affect the nation were written from onsite journalists, posted in the

local newspapers and distributed to the public. The old fashion method

of mass distribution takes weeks, whereas, through the use of

television important events are broadcast live. As a result, written

accounts which were vital to the development of the American identity

are now worthless. In today’s educational systems, schools require

first year basic level courses in grammar and composition to meet

graduation requirements. On the other hand, the science and

mathematics graduation requirements are successful completion of

several upper level courses. The lack of writing requirements in the

school system is evident in youths’ inabilities to construct simple

sentences and express proper grammar. As more teenagers are able to

graduate high school without the proper appreciation and knowledge for

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