The Theme Of Discrimination In Brent Stapley's 'Doing Whiteness'

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How someone can be a threat even if he didn 't do anything. There is a long history in United State of black men being unfairly accused by white people. “Doing whiteness” ‘Is a way of putting racial categories into action, since whiteness is part of what we call race," and is often implicitly or explicitly part of a race project that seeks to achieve and maintain dominance for whites people.’ This what Butler means by it, so society 's perception sees whiteness as the norm to the human and it gives power and authority to the white people. In contrast blackness is an aberration to from the “norm” and they suffer from inequality. “Doing whiteness” is creating a differences between people based on skin color. Blackness lives become a mistake or …show more content…

He saw a white woman in the midnight on a deserted street in Hyde Park. She cast back a worried glance because it was behind her a huge youngish black man with a beard and billowing hair. The youngish black man were his hands in his military jacket and it looked menacingly close. After a few seconds the white women picked up her pace and was walked away. Butler explains her concept of "doing whiteness" the white women walked away because the black man is considered to be a threat and she saw in his gesture something wrong or strange. Also, the Skin color putting this black man in different group that represent to the white women this black man is dangerous and she will be on risk. Furthermore, maybe that white woman had acted on implicit feelings, so she ran away from the black …show more content…

Butler might say that "doing whiteness" made staples perceived as a threat, when he doesn’t have weapon or any kind of a sharp tool. The owner sees staples as a danger because the stereotypes for blackness said that. Also, in this example we see "Doing whiteness" is continuing a system of dominance because the owner made the dog extend toward staples to make him uncomfortable in the jewelry store. Staples doesn 't have a white privileges and legal system that put him and the owner in same category within feeling is one better than

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