Does Parental Censorship Make Children More Curious?

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Parental Censorship, does it make children more curious?
“I cannot define pornography,” United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once famously said, “but I do know it when I see it” ("I Know It When I See It.").
The word “pornography” comes from the Greek language for writing about prostitutes. However, the etymology of the term isn’t that much of a guide to its current usage since many of the things commonly called “pornography” nowadays are neither actually written nor actually about any such prostitutes. Pornography is any material (either pictures or words) that is sexually explicit.
People want to censor pornography to blunt any curious people under the age of 18 from searching for 18+ material. The question that is at hand is if Parental Censorship either stops curious people or in fact makes them want to look it up more and can sometimes lead to worse situations which in eventuality will spur the community to try to get more censors on the Internet, radio, tv and any other types of media.
Censorship is the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society this has been a hallmark of dictatorships throughout history.
In the 20th Century, Censorship was achieved through the examination of books, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other forms of communication for the purpose of altering or suppressing ideas found to be objectionable or offensive. The rationales for Censorship have varied, with some censors targeting material deemed to be indecent or obscene; heretical or blasphemous; or seditious or treasonous. Thus, ideas have been suppressed under the guise of protecting three basic social institutions: the family, the church, and the state.
Not all Censorship is equa...

... middle of paper ... like maids or babysitters or they hide the truth from them as long as they can so they do not have to deal with such things until their children are old enough to understand it better so it will be easier on them.
Now, there are many ways to censor parts of the Internet from children by either downloading some software that keeps them off the site or you can set up a different login for them that doesn't give them the access to certain places without administrative permission AKA your permission, or you could sit there yourself and monitor their progress and teach them everything so they won't do what you don't want them to do but as no child wants to be monitored on the computer as they do what they want to which is either look up games on the Internet, watch cartoons, or whatever else they may or may not do on there.
("Balancing Censorship And Parental Rights.")

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