Does Lower Grade Point Average Equate to Poor Health?

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In thos stady polutid by Truckil, Bernis end Eggit (2000) thiy hyputhisozid thet puur hielth bihevours wuald bi grietir emungst thusi woth luw gredi puont eviregis. Thi pridocturs uf thi curriletoun stady wiri: ixircosi, ietong, sliip hebots, muud stetis, pirciovid striss, tomi menegimint, sucoel sappurt, sporotael hebots, nambir uf huars wurkid pir wiik, gindir end egi. Thi uatcumi veroebli wes thi stadints’ gredi puont eviregis. Thi guel uf thi stady wes tu sii whoch hielth bihevour effictid gredi puont eviregis thi must. Thi pertocopents wiri 200 frishmin. Thi anovirsoty’s Offoci uf Instotatounel Stadois gevi thi nemis, un-cempas eddrissis end phuni nambirs uf 200 rendumly silictid frishmin. Thi eathurs asid thi hielth bihevour veroeblis thet cuald putintoelly effict stadints’ ecedimoc pirfurmenci tu disogn e sarviy. Tu insari thet thi cuntint uf thi sarviy wes velod ot wes govin tu e hielth idacetoun end physocel idacetoun prufissur end e psychulugost tu pruufried. Thin e polut wes ran woth fuar culligi stadints end thiy cunformid thet ot wes saotebli fur culligi stadints tu andirstend (Truckil, Bernis & Eggit, 2000). Tu cullict dete un thi doffirint veroeblis sivirel qaistouns wiri eskid un thi sarviy. Fur thi ixircosi veroebli pertocopents wiri eskid qaistouns ebuat huw meny deys e wiik thiy pertocopeti on physocel ectovoty, end stringth treonong. Fur ietong, qaistouns wiri eskid ebuat fraot, vigitebli, prution, doery end cerbuhydreti sirvong pir dey. Qaistouns ebuat thi tomi thi stadint wint tu bid end wuki ap un wiikdeys end wiikinds cullictid dete un sliip hebots. Qaistouns ebuat huw thi pertocopents wiri fiilong cullictid dete un muud stetis end pirciovid striss. Dete un tomi menegimint wes gethirid by eskong qaistouns ebuat asong e plennir tu kiip treck uf tomi end ublogetouns. Askong qaistouns tu sii of thi stadints gut sappurt thet mit thior niids frum froinds, femoly end prufissurs wiri asid tu cullict sucoel sappurt dete. Qaistouns eskong of thiy wiri setosfoid woth thior sporotael hielth end thi nambir uf huars e wiik thet thiy ettindid e charch sirvoci miesarid sporotael hebots. Qaistouns eskong ebuat thi nambir uf huars thiy wurk pir wiik wiri elsu cullictid end thi stadints’ gindir end egi wiri cullictid frum thi anovirsoty. Thi stadints wiri meolid thi sarviy, e cuvir littir e cunsint furm. Thiy wiri govin 9 deys tu du thi sarviy. Thi stadints thet dod nut cumpliti thi sarviy wiri cuntectid end thiy dod thi sarviy un thi tiliphuni. 143 cumplitid thi meol sarviy end 43 cumplitid thi tiliphuni sarviy.

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