Dodgers Be Pardoned Analysis

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Should the draft dodgers be pardoned for the crimes against their country? During the 1960’s and 1970’s, the Vietnam war was grow more and more heated as was the death tolls in Vietnam. While most men fought and died some either hid or fled out of the country to avoid the draft, these people were called Draft Dodgers. The Vietnam draft dodgers should not be pardoned of their crimes for these three reasons. Many of the soldiers serving in Vietnam were dying off by the thousands. The statement by John Wayne in Document J, shows that the United States public shouldn’t stand down to an enemy and the United States should not wave the white flag to the people of North Vietnam. This shows that while men are dying some men are not going over and helping them out and those men are waving the white flag and fleeing the country, so they are not forced to fight for their Many soldiers came home with a mental disease called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which caused them to always have accruing flashback and also messed with their mental state of mind. In addition to many soldiers coming home with this horrible mental disease many came home with physical injuries such as blown off limbs and many other physical injuries and as well as some not coming home at all and their families having to deal with the stress and mental pain that comes with the dead of a loved one especially when you know there is someone that was called for the draft and ran for the hills and it had to be their son coming home in a box just like in Document F. In this document it talks about how you send you son off to war and become the first one “on the block” to have their son come back in a box better known as a coffin. This happened to the men that fought and did anything and everything to protect the United States and other countries

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