Do Video Games really Cause Violence?

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“No one is suggesting that [violent video games are] the only reason they went out and committed those horrific acts, but was it a tipping point? Was it something that pushed them over the edge? Was it a factor in that? Perhaps. That’s a really big deal,” This is a really controversial subject amongst gamers and parents, on whether violent video games cause real-life violence. Lots of people think they do, while lots of people think they don’t. There is research that points both ways in the subject, although I believe that the evidence points to it not causing violence.
The violent video games we play today could be causing violence around the world, some evidence points towards violent games being a culprit in the Sandy Hook school shooting. Some people say that early childhood is the worst time to expose a person to violence in their life. “The U.S. surgeon general is poised to declare graphically violent television programming and video games harmful to children, marking a potential watershed in the debate over government regulation of entertainment” (Leeds A1). Another way video games can cause violence is from having little social life outside of video games, this can lead to not knowing how to deal with things in society that can cause anger or stress. People need to learn how to take care of anger and not let it turn into something dangerous. “(The games are) training for aggression, you can actually grow neural pathways called dendrites that enable you to perform more easily the physical acts of violence. Plus, from a psychological perspective, to act out of virtual violence, in a virtual setting, is more damaging than just viewing it. You enter into the violence, you become the protagonist.” (Worthy A1) That was a quote ...

... middle of paper ... Other Media Violence." Michigan Chronicle: 0. Oct 2005.ProQuest. Web. 19 Mar. 2014 .

Kristin M.S. Bezio. "Stop Blaming Video Games for America's Gun Violence." The Christian Science Monitor: 16. Feb 12 2013.ProQuest. Web. 19 Mar. 2014 .

Perry, Susan. "Violent Video Games Not shown to Cause Real-World Violence." MinnPost.comJan 08 2013. ProQuest. Web. 20 Mar. 2014 .

Perry, Susan. "No Clear Link has been found between Video Games and Violence." MinnPost.comSep 24 2013. ProQuest.Web. 20 Mar. 2014 .

Leeds, Jeff. "Surgeon Gen. Links TV, Real Violence; Entertainment: Report Finds Repeated Early Childhood Exposure to Intense shows, Video Games Causes Aggressive Behavior." Los Angeles Times: 0. Jan 17 2001. ProQuest. Web. 21 Mar. 2014 .

Hone-Mcmahan, Kim. "Do Violent Video Games Lead to Real Violence?" Valley NewsMar 18 2013. ProQuest. Web. 21 Mar. 2014 .

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