Dissociative Identity Disorder And Multiple Personality Disorder

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Imagine what it would feel like not being able to find your keys or car, or walking into a bank and not being able to cash your check because it doesn 't match the signature of your I.D card, or even getting lost on your way home on a daily taken route in a familiar area. These few things are only a infinitesimal amount of obstacles that a patient with dissociative identity disorder endures. Dissociative identity disorder, or DID is also commonly known as multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality disorder is an extremely rare disease, existing in only 1% of the general population. Dissociative identity disorder is a psychiatric disorder, a diagnosis that entails a person undergoing multiple distinct personalities. These other personalities are often referred to as "alters." Alters are often created after a traumatic event or a abuse filled childhood. "The brain has a conscious of its own," a phrase commonly heard, but truth does justify the saying to be true, the conscious of the brain is survival, the brains in these patient 's coops with the traumatic events by creating alters, allowing the patient to escape, "escapism" from the darkness of their past. Professors of psychiatry say that dissociative identity disorder is actual a useful mechanism of surviving a abusing, rejecting environment that might push the patient into suicide. According to WebMD, the different personalities are each their own unique individuals, having their own sex (which can be oppositional from the host), age or even ethnic background. "Each has his or her own postures, gestures, and distinct way of talking. Sometimes the alters are imaginary people; sometimes they are animals." "As each personality reveals itself and controls the individuals ' ... ... middle of paper ... ...r multiple traumatic events." "The use of medication, except for the treatment of acute, specific concurrent Axis I disorders, is not recommended. Maintenance and effective use of prescriptions given the multiple personality states is difficult to attain. If medication is prescribed, it should be carefully monitored." In a growing trend, people with disorder are starting to come together to form mutual self-help support groups within larger communities and virtually, through online communities. There is no overt reasons why a support group for this disorder would not be beneficial to individuals. Even though having dissociative identity disorder may seem very aberrant and deranged, studies mostly fosters the ideology of multiple personality disorder as effective coping mechanism that benefits the patient in a positive way and ensures the safety of their own insankity.

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