Gender Roles In Beauty And The Beast, By Walt Disney

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Walt Disney productions have created a line of popular film franchises starring a princess heroine, it is a common formula for Disney films to create a perfect role model for young viewers. Disney heroines are often portrayed young, pretty, virginal, sweet-natured, and obedient, viewers can relate to Disney films without knowing the messages it sends to the audience. The portrayal of heroines of Disney films, as Kathy Maio describes, "Disney heroines haven 't changed very much since Snow White: they are all happy housewives." Disney has a sad history of stereotypes (from gender to racial) and placing gender roles under every character . Every Disney film has sent a discreet message of stereotyping and gender role to the audience. For example, …show more content…

Beauty and the Beast teaches harmful stereotypes and suggests gender roles to the audience and should not be taught to the general audience. Gender roles in society today, there is pressure to become a certain ideal of beauty; many types of images, film, and media forms tell the audience who to and what to look like. Suggestions of gender roles are conspicuous in the film Beauty and the Beast. For example, Belle is a beautiful girl who is skinny, loves to read novels, and not interested the famous Gaston. Belle is often satirized by Gaston for being out of her gender role, because she likes to read and she wants to leave out of her provincial town and seek adventure instead of becoming Gaston 's housewife. Gender roles are portrayed through Gaston, he often tells Belle to stop reading and pay more attention to marriage and her duties as a "housewife," therefore Gaston is the character that suggests gender roles to Belle. Beauty and the Beast sends the stereotype, if a young woman (Belle) is pretty and sweet-natured, she can change an abusive man (Beast) into a kind and gentle

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