Why Did Disney Change And Left Out Historical Events From The Original History Of Pocahontas Essay

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Research Paper: Why did Disney change and left out historical events from the original history of Pocahontas? Back in the days 1607 was the time where Natives of American had their own land and freedom. Coming to the contribution of the film of Pocahontas with the cons and pros. The history will continue and a famous figure should always be honored. Disney is leaving out and changing out the most important events from this historical figure that represents the Native Americans her name is Pocahontas. Disney is a production that makes films. The production of Disney is the one who created the animated movie called “Pocahontas”. Pocahontas was a Native of America is known for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. This film was created with the purpose of honoring a woman who was involved with the United States of America history. “In 1995, Roy Disney decided to release an …show more content…

Disney should ask for permission when making films about important people who made history who is very important. Now that there is little Native American left is very hard for their word to be heard about what they think. Disney have shoe horned Pocahontas into parts of history that didn’t really involve her much, if at all, and turned a blind eye to the main events of her life story, which arguably ended in tragedy. The notion that she helped the English and the Powhatan find a peaceful resolution for both sides is just as tragic. Although they based their story on the legend of Pocahontas, not the true events, Disney do have to take some responsibility here, as the general public would see the film and assume this is pretty much what happened, even with Hollywood’s propensity to stretch the truth. Giving an accurate portrayal of Pocahontas’ people is not really enough to make up for it, but on the plus side, it could inspire more people to seek out the real version of the

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