Discrimination Of Police Officers Essay

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Discrimination of Officers

An officer rolls up in her patrol car and notices a man holding a gun walking into a gas station near by. She quickly calls for backup, gets out of the vehicle and walks towards the building with her gun in hand. In the car, she can faintly hear on the radio “Corbett, wait for backup.” She ignores it and slowly keeps walking.
“Corbett! Do you hear me? Corbett wait for backup!”
She kept walking towards the building. She stands by the door, back against the wall, gun facing downwards. Inside, Corbett can hear a man yelling “Open the register!” She peeks through the door and the sees the man aiming the firearm towards the woman behind the register. The woman has tears rolling down her face. Corbett rushes through the door swing doors and quickly finds cover, while yelling at the man to put the weapon down. In the back by the cooler, she sees a teenage girl pull out her phone and start recording.
“Sir! Put the …show more content…

Today most of the Police Force is viewed on what social media has to say because most people believe everything they see online. “Media accounts of police misconduct also influence perceptions of the police, but less so than personal interactions. Frequent exposure to media reports of police abuse or corruption is a strong predictor of perceptions of misconduct and supports the belief that it is common” (National Institute of Justice). People who believe everything that they see on social media or on the news is how they believe to see Police officers. Say that they saw a video on Facebook of an officer cuffing a black man and people yelling in the background “That’s racist!”, the viewers watching the video will think that the officer is only arresting the man because of his race and not think about why the man is actually being arrested. This quote shows that citizens may view their perception of police officers differently because of what they read on social

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