Discrimination In Sports Research Paper

720 Words2 Pages

Aison Epstein
Lit/Comp 9 5th period
21 February, 2017

Synopsis: Discrimination in Sports How does discrimination take it’s toll in the world of sports? Some people think that racism is not evident in the current sports world. The truth is that on a daily basis, discrimination negatively affects many athletes because of their race, sex, and appearance . Racism is still noticeable in the world of sports and even impacts some of the greatest athletes in the world. In Richard Larchicks ESPN publish he writes “Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, and Derrick Rose were among many prominent athletes who took public stands on social issues in 2014”(Lapchick 1). Now more than ever athletes are taking stands on social issues. Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Derrick Rose, …show more content…

Today we live in a world where appearance plays a large role in one's life.People are judged on their appearance on a daily basis and athletes are supposed to have picture perfect bodies. This is especially hard for female athlete because sometimes they are looked upon as too muscular, too thin, too large, or even too tall. In 16 times Female athletes had to put up with sexist b***s*** this judgement and disrespect is shown when the author quotes “In effort to help them look more feminine, the International Amatuer Boxing Association (IABA) provided female boxers with athletic skirts to box in”(Tamarkin 2). This was incredibly disrespectful and degrading. Woman shouldn’t be forced to wear anything to make them look more “feminine”, in fact women should wear what they whatever they want to wear. In addition a weightleifter named Holley Mangold’s weight was tweeted about by comedian Conan Obrien. In the tweet he said “I predict 350 lb weight lifter will bring home the gold and 4 guys against their will”(Tamarkin 4). Once again women should not have to deal with demeaning comments about their

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