Positive And Negative Effects Of Discrimination On Society

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Discrimination is the act of unjustly treating different categories of people or things especially by race, age or sex. It seems that discrimination has always been around. Even now discrimination is still heavily practiced. Although it is something that has been taught to us as inappropriate and rude. In this paper I will discuss the negative and positive effects discrimination has on families and individuals.
Discrimination has many potential negative effects on an individual as well as on the individual’s family. When someone is discriminated against it is usually because of the persons race. Race discrimination happens between all races and even between people of the same race. Based on a person’s socioeconomic status depends on how they …show more content…

Although being discriminated against is one of the worst things possible because of all the negative effects it can cause a person there is always something positive to any negative thing. One of those positives is even through discrimination a person becomes very determined to prove people wrong. There are always people who are going to see others as less and regret when they see that person doing what they thought they would never become. A person being motivated to do the right thing will never get stopped by anyone no matter how hard the road …show more content…

There will always be people who think their race is superior to all the others and would not have a problem saying it. There will always be people who will try their best to change the worlds view of discrimination as much as they can. Although it might not have the result they want they can always keep trying to prove to people that what is said is not always true about everyone. Not every little stereotype is true for each person, everyone lives their life a different way and it is up to that person how they decide to be. Maybe one day there will be a world where there is no

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