Disadvantages Of Bone Fracture

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Bone Fracture and Dislocation
When a bone breaks or even cracks, this is called a fracture. Fracture can affect any bone of the skeletal system. There are different ways in which fracture can be termed. When the bone breaks but there is no damage to the surrounding tissues or a tear in the skin, this is a closed fracture [9]. When the bone tears through the skin surrounding it or wound is visible, this is an open fracture or compound fracture [7]. A compound fracture is generally more serious than a simple fracture because they are deemed infected [7].

Types of Fractures
There is a range fracture types including segmental fractures. This is when the bone breaks in two or more places on the same bone [8]. A comminuted bone fracture is when the bone is shatter into pieces [8]. When a muscle ligament pulls on the bone, this is known as an avulsion fracture [7]. A compression fracture is when the bone collapses form it being unable to withstand the pressure being applied to it. When the bone partly fractures on one side, but does not have a clean break, this is a greenstick fracture. This type of break is more common in children due to the elasticity of their bones. A hairline fracture is when there is a partial fracture in the bone. This particular fracture is difficult to detect within X-rays [7]. When the bone is fractures and one …show more content…

The means of healings aims to make sure the fracture bone has the best possible function after healing [7]. For the process if natural healing to begin, the bone needs to be lined up at the ends [7]. This is in order to reduce the fracture. The patient will be asleep in anaesthetic when the fracture reduction process occurs. It can be done be pulling the bone fragments or surgery. Realigning the bone without surgery is closed reduction [11]. In some cases, devices such as pins, plates, screws, rods, or glue are used to hold the fracture in place

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