Digital Technology In Lori Wagner's 'Continual Isolation'

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becoming increasingly effortless. This issue will not only affect us, but also our young, and generations to come after. There is no denying that digital technology has made us into a more connected society, but we must be very careful moving forward. We cannot allow face to face conversations to disappear from our lives, mainly because it’s one of the most human things we do when we interact with one another. Although, it is very understandable why people find digital technology so appealing, It shields us from the openness and the criticism that may come with face to face conversation. In her Book (p. 140) Turkle writes “Keeping the exchange online means you can always leave and you can do other things on social media at the same time. Continual …show more content…

Lori Wagner uses the movie Her which depicts a society in the not so far future where we constantly rely on digital technology as a form of communication. In the beginning this seems to make us happy just like in the movie, where Theodore finds himself falling in love with Samantha, an operating system. Things are going great, up until Samantha evolves and Theodore cannot connect with her on an emotional level. Wagner believes that the reason this occurs is because Theodore 's relationship with Samantha was based on the use of one sense: hearing. Beyond sound, they did not have an ability to connect using any of the other human senses. Turkle (p. 23) warns us of the same exact issue. In fact she mentions a recent study where pairs of college friends were asked to communicate in four different ways: face-to-face conversation, video chat, audio chat, and online instant messaging. The result was In-person conversation led to the most emotional connection.Turkle believes that if we allow ourselves to think that being connected to technology will make us less lonely, we will actually be at risk of the opposite. We will find ourselves more alone because of it, the same way Theodore ended up alone in the

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