Differential Diagnosis of Stuttering

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According to Ambrose and Yairi, the purpose of this report is to provide such a reference. To develop, refine, and answer theoretical questions concerning stuttering characteristics at early stages of the disorder, and to provide a basis for clinical needs of differential diagnosis of stuttering from normal disfluency, their objective was to obtain data from sample size, representing population variability of very early stuttering for preschool-age children. Ambrose and Yairi have questions in addition to providing normative data for dysfluency types for early stuttering and normal disfluencies, regarding possible gender and discrete age differences with the preschool range were addressed.

In this study there are two groups, the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group consisted of 90 preschool aged children who exhibited stuttering, and the control group consisted of 54 normally fluent children. The Independent variables were how many stuttering syllables per words read or spoken. This is a non-manipulated variable in the study. The manipulated independent variable was the score test to determine the severity of the fluency disorder. The Dependent manipulated variable was the authors, the speech pathologists, and the parents in the case study. They were able to influence the test by controlling certain aspects of the test. Subjects from the experimental group were referred to the University of Illinois Stuttering Research Project for speech evaluation on the resourcefulness of their parents, physicians, nurses, speech-language clinicians, and day care personal. All children in the stuttering group (experimental) met the following multiple objective and subjective criteria: (a) age 60 months or under, (b) regarded by parents as having a stuttering problem, (c) regarded by the two authors (certified speech pathologists with extensive experience with fluency disorders) as having a stuttering problem, (d) stuttering severity rated by parents as greater than 1 on an 8-point scale (0= normal; 1 = borderline; 2 = mild; 7 = very severe), (e) severity rating greater than 1 assigned by the two authors, (f) exhibiting at least three stuttering-like disfluencies (SLD, or part- and single-syllable word repetitions and blocks/sound prolongations) per 100 syllables, (g) stuttering histories of no longer than 6 months, and (h) no obvious neurologic disorders or abnormalities. Subjects from the normal fluency group (controlled) were (a) age 60 months or under, (b) reported by their parents as not having a history of stuttering, (c) regarded by the investigators

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