The Style Questionnaire, And The Path-Goal Leadership

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Journal Entry #1 for MG730 Summer D2
Katina King
Brenau University Journal Entry #1 for MG730 Summer D2
There are several different definitions of leadership and the act of leading has been studied through many theories. According to Shital Badshah (2012), the study of leadership has been examined in terms of enduring traits, skills, sets of behaviors or styles, and situational properties. The earlier theories are leader-centered and the more recent theories put focus on non-leaders. To accompany most theories, leadership measuring instruments such as the Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LQT), The Skills Inventory, The Style Questionnaire, and The Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire were developed to help assess leadership characteristics …show more content…

My score in the task category was a 45 which is considered to be in the very high range. I scored 39 in relationship, which is considered in the moderate high range. Again the results suggest that I have a directive type leadership style. Not that I’m not good with people, I am just more concerned with getting the job done versus having relationship with people. The style questionnaire could help organizations find how their leaders are performing in their positions. I recently watched a ‘Undercover Boss’ episode and the CEO Coby Brooks of Hooters caught one of his mangers degrading the waitresses by humiliating them with coercive games. The actual culture of Hooters is to empower women. To say the least the manger could have lost his job behind his leadership style but because his restaurant showed profits, he was given an opportunity to take leadership courses to improve his management style (Undercover Bosses, 2015). If the style questionnaire was used at Hooters, inappropriate leadership styles could be caught early and save the company from law …show more content…

As I predicted, I score high range in the Directive and Achievement styles and in the average range for Supportive and Participative styles. The scores one received on the path–goal questionnaire provide information about which style of leadership (Northouse, 2015) applicant use most often and which is use less often. My results suggest that I would be effective in work environments where the task is unclear and/or my subordinates have a need for

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