Difference Between Statutoary And Statutory Provision

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Statutory provision is care provided by the Government such as the NHS. The NHS is a public service given to us by the government in order to keep people well and healthy. The statutory care sector provides formal care services. The NHS, social care services and educational services deliver statutory care. Health care provided by GP surgeries is known as primary health care.

Voluntary provision-

Charities play a very big role in the provision of health care. Local volunteers can massively reduce the amount of money that a health authority has to pay in care costs. Voluntary organisations may work with statutory organisations and support the different roles that each service offers. This type of care service can cost for the volunteer, as it is their time and money that goes into working in these organisations. Even though they are volunteering and doing the job for free they still have to pay for their travel which could be anywhere which may be a negative factor for volunteers to think about before volunteering as they are working without pay so it could cause financial problems for them. There are many organisations that are voluntary such as …show more content…

The NHS is funded by the taxes of working people in the UK. The NHS was launched in 1948. It was created due to the idea that good healthcare should be available to everyone, regardless of wealth or status. You might be charged such as prescriptions for, some things. This applies to people who work who are over the age of 18 in England. The NHS in England deals with millions of patients every 24-26 hours. The NHS covers everything, including antenatal screenings, routine screenings, and treatments for long-term conditions such as cancer, transplants and end-of-life care. The NHS is responsible for healthcare in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and

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