Understanding the Distinction: Sex Vs Gender

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The terms sex and gender seemed to be used interchangeably in daily conversation. However, the definitions of the two words are different. The term sex is in reference to a person’s biological make up, either male or female. In ordered to be considered male or female, in terms of sex, a person must have certain biological characteristics. This includes chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. Even though, it gives the impression of being very cut and dry there are still variations that occur. This is what is referred to as intersex. An intersex person is neither completely male nor female, but has qualities of both. A sex is usually chosen for the intersex person when they are born. This can cause problems later on. Although, the term sex seems complicated it has solid foundations …show more content…

When the term gender is used it is in reference to the expected physical, behavioral, and personality traits from the group in which they reside (Ferris, Stein 243). This means that gender is constructed socially, and it will vary from group to group. Each group will have its own definition on what is masculine and feminine. In spite of this, the gender assigned to a person may not be the gender they choose to identify with. This can vary from the biological sex. A person who identifies with a different gender than their sex is known as transgender. A person who has the same gender identity and sex is known as cisgender. Separate from gender identity is gender expression. This is how a person expresses their gender through clothing, body language, or grooming (Ferris, Stein 244). In addition, a person may identify as gender fluid, bigender, trigender, or pangender. These variations are what are known as gender nonconforming. A person who is gender nonconforming is someone whose gender identity or expression is different from what is expected of them from society. The term gender is an intricate topic that is ever changing with

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