Difference Between Optimistic And Optimistic Person

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For instance, an optimistic person who receives a raise will recognize that their hard work paid off and enjoy the fact that they have gotten the recognition they deserve. A pessimistic person will not understand why they got the raise and worry about there being an ulterior motive behind it, such as more work and responsibility. That worry will cause them to become paranoid and less effective at their job. 7. When It Comes To Mistakes Mistakes happen, but optimistic people and pessimistic people deal with them very differently. An optimistic person will make a mistake, learn from it, and then let it go. A pessimistic person will make a mistake and then beat themselves up until their confidence and faith in themselves has dwindled. For …show more content…

Those visualizations will help them do what they need to do to create a successful business. A pessimistic person will not put any faith in great things happening. They will assume that bad things are to come, and they will focus more on that fear and what to do during those bad times than going out there and taking risks that could pay off for their success. 13. When It Comes To Focus This is an easy way to tell the difference between optimistic and pessimistic people. Optimistic people will be more focused on the present and the future, and pessimistic people will be more focused on the past. Being optimistic means being hopeful, despite what has happened in the past. Being pessimistic comes from reflecting on what has happened negatively in life and not being able to let go of it or seeing it as a reflection of what is to come. For example, a pessimistic person may bring up something negative that happened over and over again to you, which is an obvious sign that they think about it often. An optimistic person may have brought up the issue once, but dealt with it and now is more talkative about what is happening or what is to

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