Difference Between Equality And Equality

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Liberty and equality are commonly perceived as antagonistic concepts. Liberty is generally viewed as preserving the unrestrained manifestation of individuality in every possible sphere, whereas equality is viewed as imposing restrictions on human actions. In fact, in his seminal work, ‘Equality’ (1931), Tawney notes that "Equality implies the deliberate acceptance of social restraints on individual expansion. If liberty means, therefore, that every individual shall be free to indulge without limit his appetite (for wealth and power), it is clearly incompatible not only with economic and social, but with civil and political, equality.” This tension between liberty and equality is often perceived to be a recurrent theme in the tradition of American political thought. It is commonly stated that while the Declaration of Independence assigns great …show more content…

To quote him, “Americans are so enamoured of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.” He gave a number of reasons in support of equality. Firstly, the idea of liberty is not a novel idea and historically speaking, has not been restricted to democracies. Hence it cannot be called the defining feature of democracy in general and American democracy in particular. Equality, on the other hand, is a relatively new concept and hence more appealing. Secondly, it is more long lasting than liberty, since people can be stripped off individual liberties with much greater ease than equality. Thirdly, the drawbacks of liberty are immediately conspicuous, and its advantages visible only with a time lag. On the other hand, the advantages of equality are instant and its drawbacks slowly visible. Thus, while Americans will always want both equality and liberty, when asked to choose, they will uphold equality rather than protect liberty since the effects of equality are more widespread and

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