Difference Between Democracy And Republic

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As of my understanding, democracy means a government governed by the population. In other words.. "majority rules". A republic is similar, except this makes sure that the minority are included, nobody is left behind. - Tami Jew.

My understanding of the definition of a Democracy is that it is a form of government that gives power to the people. The difference between democracy and republic is for Democracy is its ownership is held by the population as a group. As for a Republic, the ownership is held by people as individuals. - Angelina Franco.

In a Republic there is a constitution and makes sure that everyone is represented and no group becomes underrepresented. In a democracy, the majority rules and makes the laws of the land. The key difference …show more content…

People who are under democracy will always be participate in their property which give them feeling of they are controlling. And there also has the representatives . Although republic is similar to democracy that they both protect people 's rights, republic cares about the minority people who do not make sounds by themselves more. All citizens will get the equal chances to vote and show their opinions individually . -- Chengzhuo Wang

It is my understanding that indirect democracy and republic are one in the same. A system of government were the people hold power and elect representatives to make polices and initiatives. That the only difference is that the Republic meaning goes it to slighter depths of it 's system and democracy can be seen as a broader term. -Claire Vickery

Democracy is a government system that is runned by the political power of the people. The people have a voice in decisions and also have the rights to control them. In this case, the majority rules over what the minority has to say. This is what gives the people the rights to have voting rights, paying taxes, owning businesses, and participating in government. As for the republic, the decisions of the public voice are solely made through the Representatives. These terms are quite similar but the difference is that the Republic makes sure that nobody is left out of having a say. This includes the minority to have a say as well. -Jaylene

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