Dictatorship In Adolf Hitler

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The Holocaust was the great plan to make Jews to become instinct and other people that Hitler considered inferior to him. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Germany led this great plan from 1933 to 1945. Approximately twelve million people had their lives taken, half being Jews. Everything changed and became impacted all around the world when Hitler took over Germany, he had a strong prejudice against the Jews. His goal was to create the perfect race of human, blonde hair, blue eyed Germans. The soldiers in Hitler’s camp was his followers, the Nazis, which did all of his dirty work for him. There were also many other people that contributed to his massive event. There became different clans and groups of people going out on their own and doing the killing also, not only Jews. For example, the doctors that ran test on people and experimented on the people didn’t care about their patients wellbeing or health …show more content…

Dictatorship leaves every idea, every thought, and every possibility possible. It just so happened that one person that had the dictatorship this time, that one person, Hitler. Unfortunately, he had horrible intentions to begin with and had psychotic thoughts of how things should be. He realized he had the power, so he took advantage of it and used it, for his benefit and horrifically it worked. Hitler was so strong as soon as he took this role, he won peoples trust immediately made himself look perfect and reasonable. He led them to believe he was something and someone totally different than the real Hitler. He instantly became popular had many followers, the Nazis; which, I assume were the most scared of Hitler. I’ve heard my uncle say, “If you can’t beat them, join them”, and I figure this is how they felt, if they didn’t help they would be next. My grandfather used to say, “Get on board with the bus, if you don’t, I don’t want to hear it when the bus runs you

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