Deviant Behavior In The Workplace Case Study

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Prosocial Behavior is known as the voluntary effort to benefit others. There are many causes of prosocial behavior and underlying reasons why people choose to help co workers in the workplace. Some seek instant gratification while others just believe in good karma. The reasons are vast in number.
One of the primary causes of prosocial behavior is altruism. Altruism is when an individual behaves in a prosocial manner without any expectation of something in return. In a 2012 scholarly journal published by Osama Hazzi and Issa Maldoon of Damascus University, it was stated the altruism in the workplace is “discretionary behavior that has the effect of helping a specific other person with an organizationally relevant task”. The ideas of prosocial …show more content…

There was a study that was done that deviant behavior is best predicted by personality variables and the nature of the situations going on in the workplace (Peterson, 49). Certain kinds of deviance are associated with employees who are young, working part time, new to their job and have low paying positions, these employees are proved to production and property deviance (Peterson, 48). The reason could be due to the nature of the job for these employees. Unfair treatment, social norms and the work group influence can also contribute to workplace deviance (Peterson, 49). There is one factor that has significant impact on employee behavior and that is organizational climate, which is the shared perceptions of the organization policies, practices and procedures, in this climate there is ethical climate but which is ethically correct and this can influence the behavior of the employee (Peterson, 49-50). Since ethical climate is associated with employee behaviors it can also be associated with the deviant behavior of the employee in the workplace. There is research that says some behaviors that may be considered deviant could also be considered unethical (Peterson, 50).Also in his study, he found out that when companies experience deviant behavior, there are certain factors that need to be present as employees look out for

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