Determination Of Soil Determination Essay

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Soil water plays an important role for physical, chemical as well as biological activities in soil which influence directly /indirectly on crop growth. There are several methods for determining the soil moisture content in soil. They are:-
1. Gravimetric method
2. Neutron scattering method
3. V-ray attenuation method
4. Electrical resistance method In case of gravimetric method, soil samples are collected and dried in hot air oven at a temperature of 105oC for at least 24 hrs to a constant weight. Moisture Content (%)=(WS1-WS2/WS2) x 100 Where, WS1=mass of the fresh soil (moist) WS2=mass of the oven –dried soil(gram)
Materials Required:- Moisture …show more content…

1gram CuSO4, 10 g K2SO4 and 30mL of conc. H2SO4was added. The contents of the flask were shake far through mixing and allowed to stand for 30 minutes with frequent shaking. Then the content was digested until greenish +colour appears. K2SO4 raises the boiling point of the acid .So that the loss of acid volatile solution is prevented. CuSO4.5H2O is digestion accelerator which catalyzes the speed of digestion process. The reagents sometimes contain impurities so a blank is run with the same quantities of reagents and the blank value is subtracted from the value of soil digest. Digestion is effected on the Kjedahl digestion rack with low flame for the first 10- 30 min until the sample is completely charred. The heat is gradually raised until the acid reaches approximately one third the way up the digestion flask. The flame is not allowed to touch the digestion flask above the part occurred by the liquid. Executive boiling may cause volatilization of the acid before the organic matter is oxidized. Then the content was cooled and about 100mL was diluted with distilled water. The flask was swirled for about 2 minutes and the fluid part was transferred to a 1000mL distillation flask. Few glass beads was added to prevent bumping. The flask was fit with two neck joints to one neck dropping funnel is connected for adding 40% NaOH while to the other neck Kjeldahl trap which is used to trap the NaOH coming with …show more content…

The diversity index was calculated according to Shannom –Wiener diversity index. The plant base diameter was measured with the help of measuring tape.
The following parameters were determined as under:-
Frequency expresses the distribution or dispersion of various species in a community. The percentage frequency is calculated as follows:

% frequency = No of quadrats in which the species occurred*100 Total number of quadrats studies

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