Design Democracy And Agonistic Pluralism

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I think it is important to clarify that what I am advocating for, is not that design is a supernatural force that will solve world problems and re-organised long established structures from scratch, nor that it will re-define how people make use of the field and its results. However, it is my view, that not realising design in its political spectrum is too ignorant for us involved in the field, as much as it is irresponsible to stay unacknowledged how much of its results affect society in a deep level. In that case, if we agree that design has a redirective connotation and inspires some sort of shift, is it possible to challenge those established hegemonies that govern us, and if that is possible which are the positions of action? Can design …show more content…

In ‘Design, Democracy, and Agonistic Pluralism’ ,he elaborates examples of design projects, in order to clarify differences between design for Democracy and Polical design, where he advocates that the difference between the two is found in the affirmative towards established norms notion of design in the first case, and the agonism that is reflected in the latter. Those problematics are further implemented in his book about Adversarial …show more content…

The approach to the topic, although successfully elaborated as far as it concerns the key issues of interests, does not regard design in its political spectrum. Rather, ‘design for democracy’, or ‘design for politics’, is discussed as yet another branch of design, meaning as one more thematic amongst the many that already exist in the filed of design. Hence, the main difference is that for the purposes of my text, and my approach to design, talking about design for democracy as a distinct category of design in terms of methodology and thematic, neglects the very responsibility that I have been advocating for that regards design as a political endeavour per se, and that reflects the responsibility of the designer in the society and therefore the political regulatory system in which it

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