The Impact Of Desegregation In America

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Over the past four-hundred plus years, racism has plagued the history of American society. The idea that one person is inherently better than another because of the color of their skin has always been present from our founding to today. During the rise of the Civil Rights movement in the mid 1900’s, racism was repeatedly being dealt blows by those brave enough to stand up for the rights they felt belonged to citizens of all shapes and colors. One important event that led to progress for people of color was the desegregation of the schooling systems. From young girls walking into all-white schools to black men being selected to participate in different academies, the Civil Rights movement to desegregate schools was influential in how progress …show more content…

The focus of the column is about the plight of African-American male students who have begun to enter the white prep schools in the south. Marvin Barnard and Bill Alexander were two black teenage boys who were among the first African-Americans to integrate into Virginia Episcopal School, an all-white prep school in Lynchburg, Virginia. They recognized the opportunity that they were given to start a trend of change in society, and throughout the article, these students challenge themselves to rise above the hate and unfair expectations put on them by their peers. As the title states, they begin to excel in the classroom while also keeping their noses clean. Their diligence and hard work helped to pave the way for other black students to enter these segregated schools. While as a result, it seemed that these students were unfairly pressured and their teenage lives were left unfulfilled because of the decisions they made to behave the right way. However, in the end, their sacrifice helped to complete a new change in the schooling system Not only did white students begin to respect and change their views on blacks, the entire system had to change to accommodate those who were coming in and trying to create change for …show more content…

“How Desegregation Changed Us: The Effects of Racially Mixed Schools on Students and Society” focuses on public schools being desegregated in the late 1970’s and how the students felt when they went into school. For most of the students, this was the first time that they had gone to school with minorities. Racism was not openly discussed in the classroom as to help everyone to get along without issues. Specifically, the class of 1980 has led lives away from the diversity of their youth. Instead, as the article states, “Virtually all of them attend one-race churches or temples and share their closest friends' ethnic or racial backgrounds.” (Wells) Most of the graduates live without any sort of racial diversity, working in environments where minorities are typically not found. Instead, there’s a great deal of staying within a comfortable environment for them. For some, it isn’t intentional to try and keep away from minorities, but rather, there’s several variables that must be taken into consideration. Some feel that it is more important to have better education than to be diverse while others simply don’t get an opportunity to experience change within their community. Nonetheless, it seems as if these citizens want for a diverse society and feel that desegregation was necessary for

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